20 Feb

Sometimes, reactions may be considered "adverse" if it's not necessarily expected but also not truly an allergy. For example, someone who gets nauseated when they take certain medication is experiencing an adverse response, but it doesn't mean that they are allergic to the medication- make sense?

No matter how much we try to prepare client for the downtime associated with treatments such as peels, microneedling, or light and energy-based treatments, we invariably still get some panicky messages when skin gets inflamed, itchy, rashy, irritated, abraded, scabby, weepy, etc.
In most cases, this is what we call an "anticipated reaction". This means that we expect the skin to go through a period of adjustment after the products or treatments you've had. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine an anticipated reaction from an allergic reaction, because sometimes they present similarly, with localized redness, itching, or a rash-like appearance.Ultimately, most reactions are simply irritating and can be managed with soothing topicals and oral antihistamines (benadryl and pepcid, for example). No, you probably don't need a steroid shot, though that's probably what you'll get if you go to urgent care or your PCP. In my opinion, the risk of steroid administration is not talked about nearly enough and they're often handed out like candy, when in actuality they're not necessarily more helpful than taking an NSAID (Motrin, Advil, etc) and an antihistamine, and come with far higher risk.

If you develop a full-body rash or rash to your trunk, for example, when only your face was treated, you may be having an allergic reaction.

Here's when to seek emergent care: 

Itchy or swollen tongue

Difficulty swallowing


Racing heart

Dizziness or light-headedness


Sweating (for no reason or while feeling clammy)


Vision changes

Change in mentation (becoming confused or lethargic)

We would much rather you contact us than not if you have any concerns,but here are a few "dos" and "don'ts" that'll hopefully help:

1. DON'T panic- you are probably fine.

2. DON'T go run and ask your neighbor whose cousin's friend completed a semester of nursing school and now sells Rodan and Fields.  

3. DON'T Google your symptoms.

4. DON'T put anything on the treatment area other than what you were told by your treating provider. 

5. DON'T hesitate to reach out by phone, email, or text. Please use text after hours. 

6. DO read back through your pre-visit paperwork- chances are it addresses exactly what you're experiencing. 

7. DO snap a few pics and text them to us at (615) 412-8552.

8. DO follow our treatment instructions. 

9. DO take us up on our offer to see you in the office- after all, we know our products, equipment, services, and treatments better than anyone else and can advise you better than someone who hasn't been involved in your care.

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